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Tuesday, July 20, 2010 > @ 11:35 PM
Ronaldo Jr's mum is ordinary American waitress

Source: http://g.sg.sports.yahoo.com/football/world-cup/blog/fever-pitch/post/Ronaldo-Jnr-s-mum-is-American-waitress-?urn=fbintl,256675
Article by: Ewen Boey

The much-discussed identity of the mother of Cristiano Ronaldo's baby son has finally been revealed: she is reportedly an ordinary American waitress.

The Portuguese star became a father on June 17 but the identity of the mother has remained a mystery after she was reportedly paid S$21 million (£10 million) to keep quiet.

Now British newspaper The Sunday Mirror reports that Ronaldo met the unnamed woman in a Los Angeles restaurant last year, and the birth was a result of a one-night stand with the "penniless" waitress.

Ronaldo was reported to have told his friends, "I feel like Boris Becker", the tennis star who fathered an illegitimate child after having sex once in a London restaurant, which resulted in a £20 million settlement and an end to his marriage.

Apparently, the 25-year-old Real Madrid megastar approached the woman at a Los Angeles restaurant with a dirty pick-up line she could not understand.

So Ronaldo resorted to drawing a love heart on a misted-up window near his table and said: "Me, you, kiss!" They then made their way back to a hotel. Nine months later, what do you know, Ronaldo is a father.

Initial reports said Ronaldo had paid a surrogate mother to have his child but now it's reported that the waitress tracked Ronaldo down through his agent, Jorge Mendes, after discovering she was pregnant.

It was agreed that the player would give DNA for a paternity test once the baby was born and provide support for the mother and child if it was his. A friend told the Sunday Mirror: "Cristiano was told the result while he was away at the World Cup."

Ronaldo had announced the birth on what is billed as his official Facebook page earlier this month before revealing he had named the little boy Cristiano Ronaldo Jr.

The Real Madrid star reportedly then used his best friend to help broker an exclusive paternity deal in New York, supervised by his mother Dolores Aveiro, to bring the baby back to Portugal. Ronaldo has apparently told friends that he will not reveal to his son the identity of his mother until he turns 18.

A statement read: "It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy.

"As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship.

"No further information will be provided on this subject and I request everyone to fully respect my right to privacy (and that of the child) at least on issues as personal as these are."

If the story is indeed true, you've got to say "ouch" for Ronaldo, who's been linked with a string of models and celebrities, including Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.

Even though the "player" currently earns about S$440,000 per week in wages, paying S$21 million for one night's fun, is, er, no fun.


Saturday, July 10, 2010 > @ 7:10 PM
Macdonalds: I'm loving it


Question: Are all goods or services produced from China unsafe?
Answer: Not exactly! Take for example, in the recent news, there were reports stating that Macdonalds Chicken McNuggets are highly risky for consumption as "they contained risky additives, but stressed they were safe." In specific words, these McNuggets contained "an anti-foaming agent and a petroleum-based chemical." It was also reported that "the chemicals, dimethylpolysiloxane and tertiary butylhydroquinone, could cause nausea, vomiting and even suffocation if taken in excessive amounts."

Vivian Zhang, spokeswoman for McDonald's China told AFP that "We are fully cooperating with them", and said that "a fractional amount of legal preservative and a miniscule drop of an additive" were used in vegetable oil to prevent foaming on the surface "that naturally occurs in cooking".". To further add on, Miss Zhang also reaffirmed that "customers can be reassured that these are common and fully-approved ingredients that are completely safe and have been used for decades."

Despite the reassurance, a survey by Chinese portal sina.com showed the matter had hit confidence in McDonald's among Chinese consumers and "found that more than 75 percent of its 34,000 respondents said they would "definitely not eat foods like McNuggets any more". Is this a good news for Singaporeans and the rest of the world or a bad news?


> @ 5:25 PM
Are Singaporeans way too stress?

Adapted from: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/this_urban_jungle/407740/man_marches_and_salutes_in_middle_of_road_halting_traffic.html

Question of the week: Are Singaporeans way too stress or are they way too carefree?

It was published by one of the STOMPers on 6July2010 on stomp.sg that there was a man who jammed up traffic near Tuas Naval Base as he marched and saluted in middle of road! As we can see from the picture, this young man looked like a young adult probably in his mid 20s. Most important of all, he was wearing a business suit.

could he have been late for a interview and feel really depressed?
or could he have just been too stressed that he need to relieve stress in such a way?
or could he have been just plain ignorant?
or could he just been practising for his NS training in the coming week or month since he was was marching somewhere in Tuas Naval Base?

well, i think that any one of the options could have been possible but his actions had definitely been a hassle for the rest of the city. He had actually caused a jam in Tuas Avenue 3. Is the cost of living too high for Singaporeans to handle? Or are Singaporeans in desperate need of relieving stress? Well, we aren't definitely sure of it now. In whatever case, he has already been arrested and was currently investigated by the police. We are currently awaiting for further newspaper reports on this young man.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010 > @ 10:26 PM
Singapore student on HK exchange stint gang-raped

S'pore student on HK exchange stint gang-raped

Source: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20100706-225403.html

[Above: Lan Kwai Fong, in the Central district, where the Singaporean undergrad met her attackers in a bar. ]

A SINGAPOREAN undergraduate was gang-raped last month while on an exchange programme in Hong Kong, Hong Kong newspaper Sing Tao Daily reported on Sunday.

The Hong Kong police have arrested a man in connection with the crime, and are looking for two others who are believed to have been involved.

The woman, 22, had gone alone to a bar in Lan Kwai Fong, an area in the Central district with many bars and restaurants, and had become drunk.

Three Nepalese men who worked in the bar - two of whom are believed to be brothers - approached her and invited her to a party on a yacht.

She accepted their invitation, and they took her to a yacht in the Causeway Bay area, where they took turns to rape her, for a total of six times.

The men had left by the time she woke up the following morning.

She made a police report, and was taken to hospital for an examination.

Police in Hong Kong have classified the case as rape, the newspaper said.

Police identified the three men, after visiting the bar and the yacht and reviewing the bar's closed-circuit television footage, and arrested one of the men near Lan Kwai Fong.


After reading the article, i feel sorry for the lady. At the same time, i think that the lady is really silly and foolish. First, as an exchange student who is still infamiliar with the place/country, she shouldnt have gone to the bar, ALONE. The bar is not exactly the safest place to be at night. Second, she shouldnt have drank so much since she was alone. Even if she had reasons to drink (exp: she's troubled), she shouldnt have made herself drunk. Thirdly, she shouldnt have talked to the 2 Nepalese guys when they approached her. 'Dont talk to strangers when you're drunk'. Lastly, she shouldnt have accepted the invitation to the yatch party. As an adult, she is suppose to know that, Bar + Guys from the bar + drunk girl + Night + party on a yatch = something fishy. Yes, she could be half unconscious and senseless because she was drunk but she shouldnt even have made herself drunk to start with.
But all in all, i feel terribliy sorry for the lady for being raped six times. The article would serve as an example and warning for girls/ young adults (ladies) not to go to the bar alone or even accept invites from strangers.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 > @ 10:33 PM
Lion meat hamburgers? Restaurant's World Cup menu draws protests

An Arizona restaurateur is fielding roars of protest over his decision to court business during the World Cup by serving burgers made with African lion meat.
Cameron Selogie, owner of IL Vinaio restaurant in Mesa, Arizona told reporters that he has received more than 150 e-mails from protesters. He also reported one bomb threat. Selogie points out that African lions are protected, but not endangered.
The African lion meat comes from a USDA regulated free-range farm in Illinois. Selogie says he investigated the farm before ordering his meat, as he wanted to make sure it was humanely raised. IL Vinaio ordered 10 pounds of the African lion meat from the farm, which will be offered as lion burgers to its customers in honor of the World Cup.
According to USDA spokesman Jim Brownlee, the lion meat may be uncommon dish, but he knows of no laws prohibiting commercial sale for human consumption.
So, there you have it. Lion meat in America: Strange? Yes. Illegal? No.

I think its a very cruel thing to do. As the world's number of lions are getting lower and lower, by doing this it will further cause lion to be extinct in near future. In addition, they still consume Kangaroo meat hamburgers. Some of them might dare to try on and comment that the either of the hamburger are rather delicious than weird. Perhaps, they even compliment the restaurant boss for promoting such dishes to them. Conversely, those who are animal friendly had a strong disagreement on their act and refused to try on such dish. So are you dare to try on the lion meat hamburgers? Frankly speaking, I won't even dare to try it ! eewwww....


Thursday, June 24, 2010 > @ 6:51 PM
Short people more prone to heart disease

Short people are 50 per cent likelier than tall people to die prematurely of heart disease, researchers reported in a major review of three million people.

The study showed that women under 1.53 metres (5 feet) and men under 1.65m (5 ft 5 in) are significantly more prone to cardiovascular or coronary heart problems than women and men taller than 1.66 (5 ft 6 in) and 1.73 metres (5 ft 8 in), respectively.

The findings, published in the European Heart Journal, suggest that short stature should be added to the list of known heart disease risk factors alongside obesity, advanced age and high cholesterol levels, the researchers said.

The link between height and heart conditions has been examined in nearly 2,000 studies from around the world over the last 60 years, but evidence remained contradictory.

One theory is that shorter people have smaller coronary arteries that may become clogged earlier in life, especially when combined with poor nutrition or infections resulting in poor foetal or childhood growth.
Personal thoughts:
Short people should not be worried about the new finding as height is only one factor that may contribute to heart disease. Whereas people have no control over their height, they can control their weight, lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking and exercise. Hence, to prevent having heart problems in early age, we should consume more healthier foods and high in nutrition fruits.


Monday, June 21, 2010 > @ 4:46 PM
Egypt oil spill threatens Red Sea marine life

Sources: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20100620/tts-egypt-environment-pollution-oil-c1b2fc3.html

CAIRO (AFP) - – An oil spill off the Egyptian Red Sea coast of Hurghada threatening to damage marine life in the area has prompted environmental agencies to demand tighter regulation of offshore oil platforms.

Large quantities of oil have appeared in recent days around the resorts of Hurghada which draw millions of tourists who come to dive or snorkle, according to the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Agency.

"It started four or five days ago and the companies responsible didn't notify anyone. It is catastrophic," HEPCA Managing Director Amr Ali told AFP.

The spill was caused by leakage from an offshore oil platform north of Hurghada and has polluted protected areas and showed up on tourist beach resorts.

"The companies have said they will pay damages, but it is the environmental damage that we are concerned about," Ali said, declining to name the companies for legal reasons.

"We will take all measures, including legal, to make sure this does not happen again," he said.

HEPCA's warning comes amid ongoing efforts to contain the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which has already damaged fragile ecosystems along the US south coast and halted the region's multi-billion-dollar fishing industry.

HEPCA, a non-governmental organisation based in Hurghada, has been working for the protection of natural resources in the Red Sea.

Egypt's environment and tourism ministries said the oil spill was contained and that measures were being taken to "deal with the pollution caused by the spill," the official MENA news agency reported.

Authorities protective of the lucrative tourism industry were eager to resolve the matter quickly. Both the Environment Minister Maged George and Petroleum Minister Sameh Fahmy visited the area of the spill on Saturday.

But HEPCA says it was too little too late.

"Visits won't help. We would like to see a clearer plan of action on the ground," Ali said.

"We would also like to see more stringent standards imposed on these offshore platforms to ensure natural areas are protected," he said.

Personal Opinion:

I felt that the irresponsibility of the companies for not reporting the oil spill can lead to serious threatening of the marine life.

They should have reported the incident immediately, and not wait for four or five days. They did not thought of the consequences it can caused, which will caused the death of marine life.

I agree with Ali that it is more of the environment damage the spill has cause, rather than the damages they are willing to pay. We must understand that money does not solve every problem.

I also agree with Ali that more stringent standards should be imposed, and monitor closely.

We should all try to protect and save the ecosystem.